✔️ What does this integration do?
This integration allows you to sync invoices generated and submitted through Ontop to QuickBooks Online. By connecting your QuickBooks account with Ontop, you can create vendors in QuickBooks and sync billing information from Ontop, eliminating duplicate data entry and onboarding delays.
✔️ How much does the QuickBooks integration cost to use?
The integration is free for customers using both Ontop and QuickBooks Online.
✔️ How does the integration work?
The integration enables clients to see and sync workers' invoices submitted through Ontop to QuickBooks. It allows you to create vendor records in QuickBooks based on existing contracts in Ontop and sync workers' invoices.
✔️ What are the prerequisites for using this integration?
You need to have "Admin" permissions in Ontop and have your QuickBooks subdomain and login credentials ready.
✔️ What information is synced between Ontop and QuickBooks?
Workers' (vendors') records and invoices invoices are synced from Ontop to QuickBooks.
✔️ How do I create a vendor in QuickBooks using this integration?
Vendors can be created in QuickBooks according to the contracts existing in Ontop.
✔️ What should I do if my workers are not appearing in QuickBooks after syncing?
Ensure that the workers exist within the QuickBooks platform before syncing invoices. Follow the process: create the workers in Vendor Management, map the expenses with the corresponding Ontop invoice concepts, and then synchronize the invoices.
✔️ How long does the first sync take?
The first sync may take about 10 minutes.
✔️ How long do subsequent syncs take?
Subsequent syncs could take up to 24 hours.
✔️ What permissions do I need in QuickBooks to use this integration?
Ensure you have the necessary permissions to create vendors and manage invoices in QuickBooks.
✔️ Can I manually sync data between Ontop and QuickBooks?
Yes, you can manually trigger a sync if needed.
✔️ What happens if there is an error during the sync process?
If there is an error, you will receive a notification with details about the issue. You can then address the problem and retry the sync.
✔️ Do I need to map expenses every time I sync?
No, once you have mapped the expenses with the corresponding Ontop invoice concepts, you do not need to remap them for future syncs - unless you disconnect the integration.
✔️ Can I disconnect the integration if I no longer need it?
Yes, you can disconnect the integration at any time through the Ontop or QuickBooks settings.
✔️ Will the integration affect my existing data in QuickBooks?
The integration will not affect your existing data in QuickBooks. It will only add new vendor records and invoices as per the sync process.
Congratulations, you have made it! 🚀
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