Step by step instructions on how to create your invoices before paying your workers.
Editing invoices
✔️ Step 1: If you already created your invoices, and just need to edit them, please follow the next link with the step by step on how to edit them very simple way.
How to: Edit invoices - click here.
Creating invoices
✔️ Step 1: Please go to the section Payments > Pay Now, after, click on Create a new payment.
✔️ Step 2: You will have 3 options to create the invoices, we share with you our recommendations and step by step for each of them:
⚠️ Important to point that after you create different payment groups, you will still be able to pay them together by selecting them.
From your contracts: If you pay the same invoices every month, or with minor variations or extra payments, we recommend this option for you. Invoices will be created based on the amounts and dates of your active contracts. You just need to select the name of the payment group (you can edit after), the month (past, current or next), and period (whole month, first half 1-15 or second half 16-last day of the month.
⚠️ Important to note that contracts ended in the last 30 days will appear, just in case you need to make a final payment, if not, you can always delete it from the payment group created.
⚠️ Important note Payment name should not contain any special characters eg.+-*/.- etc
From your workers (active): This option is recommended if you just need to create few invoices, ideal to create 1-5 invoices. You just need to select the contractors from the list and then click Continue, after it is only necessary to add the amount and pay date.
From a file: We recommend this option if you must create invoices or extra payments to dozens of contractors, it is our most flexible option.
⚠️ Important to note that contracts ended in the last 30 days will appear, just in case you need to make a final payment, if not, you can always delete that line from the file, or from the invoices created after.
✔️ Step 1: Download the template by selecting that option.
✔️ Step 2: Edit the template by selecting pay dates, ammounts, up to 5 extra payments and notes. If you do not wish to pay some contractors, just delete that line. You will also be able to download invoices once you create the payment group. We recommend that once you select the payment date, to click on that cell to confirm it is the desired date. You will also be able to edit the payment dates once the invoices are created before making the payment.
✔️ Step 3: You just need to save and upload the file in the platform.
✔️ Step 4: If you have any errors in the file, you will see the following message, you need to download the file, where you will see highlighted in yellow the cells that contain errors with a note so you can make the corrections. Correct the cell, save the changes and reupload the file.
Once the payment group is created: In the next image, we show you how to verify the total amount to be paid to contractors (without fees), besides the total amount of workers and invoices. This will help you verify if you are paying 2 invoices to any contractor.
Remember you will always be able to edit the invoices already created, for more information, we share the following article.
¿How to Edit invoices? - click here.
Delete a payment group: If you wish to delete any payment group, you just need to click on the trash can icon for that group on the Payments > Pay Now section.
Pay your invoices: If you already confirmed the amounts and dates of your invoices, the process is ready to continue with the payment.
✔️ Step 1: Select the payments that you wish to pay
✔️ Step 2: Just click on Go to Confirm.
✔️ Step 3: Here you must select or change the payment method. Also, before finalizing, we recommend you confirm all the amounts.
If you have any doubts about our accepted payment methods, we recommend the following article.
How to: Set up a payment method as a company - click here.
Congratulations, you have made it! 🚀
If you have further questions, feel free to contact our support team via chat 😊
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