Creating invoices
✔️ Step 1: If you have not yet created your invoices, please follow the next link with the step by step to create them in a very simple way.
How to Create invoices - click here.
Editing Invoices
✔️ Step 1: After creating the invoices, please go to the Payments > Pay Now section and click on the arrow to the right of the payment group.
✔️ Step 2: From this section, you can edit all the conditions of each invoice, either individually or in groups. All progress is saved automatically so that any changes made are not lost.
Add Tags: We recommend this feature for better internal organization.
Modify the payment date of individual invoices: By clicking on the pencil icon besides the payment date, you can edit it, only possible for present or future dates.
⚠️ Please note that the payment date cannot be in the past
Modify the payment date of all invoices: With just 3 clicks, you can edit the payment date of all invoices in a payment group.
Modify Compensation: You just need to click on the pencil icon to modify the compensation of any invoice.
Add/Modify extra payments: With the Plus icon (+) you can edit or create your extra payments.
Add notes: This new function will help you add notes to any invoice.
⚠️ Please note that there is a limit of 240 characters for Notes
Delete invoices: This is also a new feature where you can delete any invoice by clicking on the trash can icon.
Add another contractor to the payment group: If you missed any contractors for this payment group, it is very simple to add them with the following steps.
✔️ Step 1: Click on the following icon.
✔️ Step 2: Select the missing contractors and then click on Continue, after this, you just need to add the date and amount to each contractor.
Edit all the payment group form a file: If you have to edit many invoices from the payment group, we recommend this option to simplify the process.
✔️ Step 1: Click on Edit with file.
✔️ Step 2: Download the file where you will be able to edit all the invoices.
✔️ Step 3: Edit all the invoices you wish, save the changes and re-upload the file.
Great job! By following these steps, you will be able to successfully edit your invoices.
Congratulations, you have made it! 🚀
If you have further questions, feel free to contact our support team via chat 😊
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